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Re: rlogin and rxvt

Will Lowe wrote:
> I use the following to open an xwindow to a remote host (copland),
> because ssh isn't available on our central campus machines:
>         rxvt -e rlogin copland
>         And when I later do 'ps -x', I see this:
>  3983   1 S      0:00 rxvt -bg black -fg grey -T Copland -n Copland -font 10x20
>  4023  p4 S      0:00 rlogin -l harpo copland
>  4026  p4 S      0:00 rlogin -l harpo copland
>         Why are there _2_ rlogin processes,  when I'm only running _1_
> rlogin?

This is normal behavior. It forks and one side handles input from the
keyboard and the other handles "output" from the other end. Some
terminal programs (like tip) work this way also.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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