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rlogin and rxvt

I use the following to open an xwindow to a remote host (copland),
because ssh isn't available on our central campus machines:

	rxvt -e rlogin copland

	And when I later do 'ps -x', I see this:

 3983   1 S      0:00 rxvt -bg black -fg grey -T Copland -n Copland -font 10x20 
 4023  p4 S      0:00 rlogin -l harpo copland
 4026  p4 S      0:00 rlogin -l harpo copland

	Why are there _2_ rlogin processes,  when I'm only running _1_


Good Idea: 	Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
Bad Idea:	Feeding Stray Cats in the park ... to a bear.

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