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Re: [DEBIAN] Standardization?

>>>>> On Sat, 9 Aug 1997, George Bonser said:

  George> One of the points raised was that even though there is a
  George> filesystem standard, there is still too much leeway in that
  George> some things like system initialization files and how they
  George> are arrainged can differ widely from one distribution to the
  George> next.  It was noted that debian does its /etc/rc.*
  George> completely different than RedHat does as an example.

AFAIK RedHat uses linuxconfig or somesuch package which takes over the
booting process (ie the /etc/rc* files).  But linuxconfig can be told
not to do that.

So we can attack this problem right there -- convince the linuxconfig
people not to use their own /etc/rc* scheme, and all will be fine.
For this problem.

Have I been talking foolish things?

I like both kinds of music.

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