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Re: [OFF TOPIC] access controlled website

> Since the web has become so annoying in the past year I have strayed away
> from using it as much as possible, however now I need/would like to set up
> a website that is username/password protected on my Debian Linux(so it is
> somewhat related) machine.

Here's how I do it in with Apache.  This is from my /etc/apache/httpd.conf

<VirtualHost test.jimpick.com>
DocumentRoot /var/web/test/html
ServerName test.jimpick.com
XBitHack full
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/web/test/cgi-bin/
ScriptAlias /HyperNews/ /var/web/test/HyperNews/
<Directory /var/web/test/html>
AuthUserFile /var/web/test/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName test
AuthType Basic
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from .jimpick.com
require valid-user
satisfy any
<Directory /var/web/test/HyperNews>
AllowOverride All
Options FollowSymLinks

Ok, it's a bit overkill.  But it shows how to put everything together.
Consult the Apache docs to figure out exactly what it does.

If you are accessing the virtual server from inside my domain (jimpick.com),
it won't ask for a password.  But my clients, who are outside my
domain, can still access the site if they know their username and password.

The usernames and passwords are stored in a simple password file located
at /var/web/test/htpasswd.  This file is generated with the htpasswd 
command that comes with Apache.  'man htpasswd' for details.


 - Jim

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