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Re: Transfering system directories to new HD

"C.L. Daugaard" <cld@mcs.net> writes:

> I've seen (and kept) posts on how to transfer a system to a new HD. 
> what I'm stumped on is how this is done when /, /usr, and /home are on
> *separate partitions* and I want to keep it that way.  Can anyone tell
> me how this is done?  At this state the "find . -mount -depth
> -print|cpio -pdmv /newtempmount" method sounds like the most promising,
> but how this is done per partition is a mystery.
> My thanks to anyone who can help.

As root make a dummy directory in /, and mount all your new partitions
under /dummy, so you have

/dev/hdb1              23423   11048    11166     50%   /dummy
/dev/hdb2             956015  749859   156765     83%   /dummy/usr
/dev/hdb3             956015  749859   156765     83%   /dummy/home

then do (as root)

  cd /
  cp -a `ls | grep -v proc` dummy

You'll still have to make the proc directory on your new root
partition by hand, but the rest should be exactly the way you want.

Then you just need to modify /dummy/etc/lilo.conf and /dummy/etc/fstab
to reflect the new partition layout, use cfdisk to set the bootable
flag as appropriate, and run "lilo -r /dummy".

I think that's it, but this is off the top of my head, so be careful.

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