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switching from ide to scsi

Hi all,
I decided to go the right way with one of my server and use scsi disk instead
of ide. That machine has already got a scsi controller (aha2940) that drives
a dat tape, so I only need to buy a scsi disk.
That machine is using debian 1.1 on ide and will probably use 1.2 on scsi.
What would be the best way to move data (and all) from the old ide disk to the
new scsi one?
Since that machine is a main server and need maximum uptime, downtime has to
be as low as possible. These are my questions:
- installing debian on scsi before moving data is not a problem, if I can plug
  in the scsi disk, install debian on it, move data and then unplug ide, but
  I don't know if this is doable (I read about having problems with ide+scsi
  disks in the same machine). Can I test the new installation without removing
  the old ide disk (just in case ..)?
- I know I could back up all the ide disk (maybe with tar? to cope with device
  files?) and then untar, but I know I should at least be careful with:
  - changing mounts (hda? to sda?)
  - rerunning lilo on scsi after changing lilo.conf
  - anything else?

Any advice is welcome.
||    || |||||||  Marco Frattola                     Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, Italy                    Microsoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''    mfrattola@mail.enjoy.it            "No" is the answer
|||  ||| |||      www.enjoy.it/users/~mk/index.html  Live Linux, live free!

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