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Re: ide for java?

On Tue, 26 Aug 1997 16:28:37 -0700, Jim Pick wrote:

>> hi.... is there any Java IDE interface to Linux?
>> warnning: I'm loocking for an IDE diferent as JAVA WORKSHOP.
>You might try Vibe from Visix (www.visix.com).  I've never tried it, but
>it is available for Linux.
>There is also the FreeBuilder project:
>But it's early on in development, and not all that useable yet (I think).
>Some people might consider emacs an IDE, but it's probably not what
>you want.
>If you plan on doing Java development inside an IDE, there is a much
>better selection available on Windows 95/NT.  Big players like
>Microsoft, Borland and Symantec are content to ignore Linux.
>Java hasn't really lived up to the cross-platform hype as far as 
>IDE's are concerned.

I've seen some nice one's (including GUI builders) but nothing (when I tried it) that 
was really complete.

Gamelan has loads of stuff:

I remember this one as being really nice, but not quite 'done'. (But that was months 
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