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Re: Proxy Server and firewall?

On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Batista, M. wrote:

> Hello,
>   What is the best software for connect my LAN to the Internet?.
>   Current i have Socks, but i would like to know others.

With linux I like to use a combination of Socks5, Squid, QMail, TIS
Firewall Toolkit (FWTK), named and IP Masquerading, depending on the

Socks5 gives authenticated firewall traversal which is important if you
wish to secure incomming access or secure outgoing access.

Squid is the web proxy, it's a high speed caching web server that can give
your lan quite the speed gain.

QMail I have started experimenting with to provide a SMTP relay, not sure
if it's a good idea yet, but it does claim to be quite secure.. 

The FWTK is a usefull set of authenticators for things like telnet and
ftp, but is useless if your clients have socks support.

named is generally required to support socks4, and is very usefull with IP
Masq. I set it up as a simple caching name server.

And IP Masquerading is highly usefull if you do not want to secure the
inside of your firewall, it allows quite the variety of outgoing
connections to traverse the firewall in one direction without
authentication, transparently.


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