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Re: Using Linux with Win95

On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Alistair Phillips wrote:

> Hi there.
> I am a VERY new user, and need some help with Linux.  I have got a copy of
> the Debian Linux from a friend, and can boot up from the disk fine.  Before
> I install it though, there are a few things that I really would like to
> ask.  

> 1.	Will it overwrite my execisting boot sector?
It can if you ask it.  There is a program called lilo that can be 
installed on your boot sector.

> 2.	How can I get my computer to boot up to Win95 as default, but to Linux
> if I want to?  I need Win95 to boot up first, as my 	familiy needs to use
> it, and they don't know what to do if it does not boot to Windows.
This is a simple lilo configuration.  Alternatively, you can use a boot 
disk to access linux.  Finally there is a program called loadlin.  This 
can be run from dos in order to start linux.

> 3.	Can I access my DOS side from Linux?
Absolutely.  Some government security professionals were giving a talk, 
and the commented how they loved linux because they can access all kinds 
of filesystems.  This is done with the mount command, and can be 
automated with an entry in the /etc/fstab file.

> 4.	Where can I get the documentation from?  I think that I will really need
> it ;-)
LDP - http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/
Debian - http://www.debian.org  (follow the link that says documentation)

> I hope that someone will be able to help me!

I hope this helps,

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