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Re: Show me the money Re: Donations to Debian

> The new version naming scheme and control is based on politics and not 
> technical reasons.

Until now, I didn't notice any decrease in functionality.

> If the orginization were not invloded in promotions, and makings CD-Rom, they 
> could get back to simply working towards the orginazation of a quality product. 
> Thats their purpose as far as I'm concerned, not worring about if CD makers can 
> keep their stock up to date.

AFAIK, people do _work_ on this _product_ in their free time. I don't
feel to have any moral right to tell them, how they should spend
it. If all or some of them would decide to dedicate this time to
commercial actions, I'll have to accept this, as they are free to do
so. BTW, as soon as you are talking about a product, you're
introducing commercial concepts.

Ciccio C. Simon

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