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Re: Building Your own Boot Disks

On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:

> imo, everyone should compile their own kernel - the boot/rescue floppy
> is good to install a system with, but a linux box really should have a
> kernel compiled especially for it....with only the drivers that it needs
> compiled in (or as modules), no more and no less.

Often true, but it is better to use kernel-package which builds a Debian
kernel-image package for this. One great reason is that you can build
these packages on a machine that has all the tools and compiles fast. The
resulting .deb file is easily installed with dpkg and will take care or
making the hard disk boot the new kernel (while preserving the previous
one) and creating a boot floppy.

Manoj even helped me get a shell script going that will rebuild several
custom kernels at a time. His kernel-package is a big help to me as I have
several old machines that would take a few hours to build a kernel on.

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:paulwade@greenbush.com              http://www.greenbush.com/ +
+ http://www.greenbush.com/cds.html         Now shipping version 1.3.? +

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