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Re: Building Your own Boot Disks

From: timm@n2h2.com (Timm Gleason)
> Now not wanting to go backward, especially due to the
> major modifications done to the kernel we are using

Is that the BESS Internet filter? I hope your product still lets you read
the list, after the language we've been using on debian-user today :-)
15-20 a month and Debian in every one? Cool!

If you're developing big changes to the kernel, please try to contribute
them back into the main kernel source thread.

> like to know if there is any definitive source of information on
> building installation disks. The new system that loads base off of a
> CD is great, but with the modified drivers and kernel, I need to know
> more about these disks.

Sure. You will need two packages: kernel-package and boot-floppies.
Kernel-package provides the scripts to build a Debian package from
your custom kernel and calling them from the command line is trivial.
Boot-floppies provides the scripts to build the boot floppies, and you
can easily modify that or just change the packages it installs. You will
also need a complete copy of the Debian "stable" archive plus your
modifications, and you will need to read the man page for dpkg-scanpackages
(in the dpkg-dev package) so that you can add your own packages to the
"Packages" file for your own archive, so that dpkg and dselect will work with

Once you've done that, you can install the debian-cd package and generate your
own bootable CDs with your custom kernel if you wish.


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Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@debian.org   510-215-3502

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