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Re: [DEBIAN] Standardization?

On Sun, 10 Aug 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> We are starting to talk about a standard for _all_i386_unix_systems_,
> not just Linux. There is a meeting I'm attending at SCO this month where
> we will discuss this with them and with various Linux and *BSD
> distributions.

YES!  I am not in a red-hot hurry but and was not aware of this, it
seemed that some thinking should be done along these lines.  This looks
like a very wise thing to do.

> > Linux International should probably be in on this as well.
> Their best role is probably to endorse, as a group, a standard that someone
> else creates.

True, if the standard spans more than just linux.

> Within a few years everyone will be using POSIX packages. RPM and DPKG may
> survive as tools, but the RPM or the DEB package formats will both die.
> We're on the job, but it will take time.

This is very refreshing to hear.  It seems this would make things
extremely portable over not only linux distributions but over the entire
i_X86 platform.  

> What commercial Linux applications don't run on Debian? It was my impression
> that you could install most commercial .rpm packages and they would work out
> of the box.

I was under the impression that some applications would not install such
as WordPerfect from Caldera though I admit that I have not tried this.

> Once we stop displaying uncontrolled growth I'll worry about the distribution
> withering on the vine.

It wasn't THIS distribution that was my first thought.  I was actually
thinking about Slackware.  If it was not mentioned in all of the newbie
documentation like the Installation and Getting Started Guide, NAG, and
SAG, it would die.  Debian, on the other hand, gets a brief mention and is
growing strong.  Debian is a FINE distribution (the best I have used) and
will be around for a long time.

George Bonser

Tommy Lasorda for baseball commissioner!

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