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Re: PPP with multiple numbers and getting modem status

[ request to dial multiple numbers to connect to an isp ]

> I have not tackled this problem, but I think a perl script would be the
> way to go.  I am not a perl programmer, so when I wanted a script to keep
> trying to connect to my ISP to run my mirror in the early hours, I asked
> Ralph Winslow to help me.  The attached script does _that_ job but it
> might be useful as a sort of map of how the job can be done. 
[ perl script is no longer attached ]

Goodness, I thought this would take a week for me to work up, and I just
did it in 5 minutes.  Here goes:

modify pon:
if [ -r /etc/ppp.options_out -a -r /etc/ppp.chatscript ]; then
	/usr/sbin/pppd connect "/path/multi-chat.sh" `cat /etc/ppp.options_out`
#                                ^^^^ relocate
	echo "You do not have permissions to access /etc/ppp.chatscript or /etc/ppp.options_out"

Then make the following multi-chat.sh:

# this restarts the loop after all scripts are run
while true; do
  # this cycles through the scripts
  for i in /etc/ppp/scripts/*; do
    # this trys the script
    if /usr/sbin/chat -v -f $i; then exit 0

    # didn't make it, bad script

    # don't really need the sleep, it just gives the modem a second
    # to catch it's breath :-)
    sleep 5

Then place a series of scripts in /etc/ppp/scripts that you want run in
order (should be alphabetical, I have chat.1 chat.2...).  It worked
perfectly, no delay, runs right through the list.  Now I just have to make
a bunch of chat scripts (and hope this thing hangs up ok, I only know
that it just got me on just now).

Mr. Lameter: Could this be considered as an addition/example to ppp?  If
so, all I ask is that my name is included in a comment at the top of the
multi-chat script.


Brandon Mitchell                         E-mail: bhmit1@mail.wm.edu
  Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7877/home.html

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