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Re: PPP with multiple numbers and getting modem status

On Sun, 10 Aug 1997, Adrian Johnson wrote:

> How should I configure PPP to dial each number in a
> list until it connects.
> How can I send the modem an AT command and log the result
> after ppp disconnects.  I wish to send my modem an ATI6 command
> so I can log the length of the call, connect speed, and
> reason for the disconnect.

I believe at least some of these features are available in xisp, it's a
deb package.  However, I'd be interested if a chatscript can be made to
dial multiple numbers in some kind of loop.  Also, a way to make pppd more
descriptive of connection speed and time would be helpful.  Therefore, I'm
not forced to have X started to connect and get this kind of data.


Brandon Mitchell                         E-mail: bhmit1@mail.wm.edu
  Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7877/home.html

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