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Re: naming convention question

>>"jghasler" == jghasler  <jghasler@win.bright.net> writes:

jghasler> What secrets are being protected by this code?

	If I told you that, I would have to kill you ;-)

>> ...similar to the codenames that Microsoft...

jghasler> Oh.  Well, if *Microsoft* does it, it *must* be a good idea.

	Gak! A hit! A palpable hit!

jghasler> Obscure code names are ok in closed development where the
jghasler> only people who need to know the names deal with them all
jghasler> day every day and so will learn them quickly.  In open
jghasler> development, they are confusing.

	I have yet to hear a developer say they are confused. In fact,
 this is the first time I have heard *anyone* say they are
 confused. You have, then, this dubious distinction.

>> The sequence (buzz, rex, bo, hamm) follows names of characters in
>> the Pixar animated movie, "Toy Story".

jghasler> Cartoon character names are somehow supposed to be mnemonics
jghasler> for Debian releases?

	Yup. Though of course, the general public knows stable,
 unstable, and Debian 1.1.3, for example. You don't *have* to know the

>> There was some brief discussion of calling Debian 2.0 "woody",
>> after the main character of the movie, but we quickly realized the
>> possible unwanted confusion that would result.

jghasler> Doesn't seem any more or less confusing than "bo", "rex",
jghasler> etc.  

	An american, heh? It has some rather, ... umm.., unwholesome
 connotations in other English speaking parts of the world.

 "It's curtains for you, Mighty Mouse!  This gun is so futuristic that
 even *I* don't know how it works!" from Ralph Bakshi's Mighty Mouse
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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