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Re: just how bad is Fortran?

> fortran (77) is horrible. Well, it _was_ ok, Backus was a pioneer, etc. But we
> are in the end of the '90s (and I thought only *my* profs were forcing
> students to use it!)

> You will be much better writing your code in ANSI C (pointers aren't difficult
> once you get to know them).

I don't mean fortran in generall, i mean the available linux versions.

I'm familiar with Fortran, C, C++, etc., and the coding for fortran is
far more efficient for what i'm doing:  it comes down to applying
functions to arrays.  I also may have the world's only project that
really calls  for an Object Fortran :)

The question is really whether the fortran tools available are good
enough for real work.


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