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Re: just how bad is Fortran?

>>>>> "Adriano" == Adriano Nagelschmidt Rodrigues <anr@ime.usp.br> writes:

    Adriano> Sorry, I can't resist ;-) fortran (77) is horrible. Well,
    Adriano> it _was_ ok, Backus was a pioneer, etc. But we are in the
    Adriano> end of the '90s (and I thought only *my* profs were
    Adriano> forcing students to use it!)

    Adriano> You will be much better writing your code in ANSI C
    Adriano> (pointers aren't difficult once you get to know them).

    Adriano> Regards,

    Adriano> -- Adriano

I agree that Fortran 77 is pretty awful, but there is a Fortran 90
that seems *very* nice.  Is anyone working on a gpl'ed version of


Norris Preyer                   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program                 (541) 962-3873 (fax)
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