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EISA Setup utility for Linux?

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted as well.

Greetings!  We have an EISA system performing some increasingly
critical tasks.  On the rare occasion of a loss of CMOS power, the
BIOS won't recognize the SCSI card controlling the root filesystem,
forcing me to locate those old DOS configuration utility floppies to
reset the EISA bus configuration.  Is there any way I can do this
under Linux?  I think that I can save an image of my BIOS somehow and
reload it under a Linux system booted from a rescue floppy.  Anyone
know if all the EISA bus information could be stored and retrieved in
this way?

cmaguire@enhanced.com				      Camm Maguire
"The earth is one country, and mankind its citizens."  Baha'u'llah

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