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Re: just how bad is Fortran?

we are using a combination of f2c and a package called f77reorder
(available from http://www-hermes.desy.de/ww/f77prob.html) to compile
fortran programs initially written on sgi's without problems. you can
get both these packages in debian format by anonymous ftp from my
computer, caliban.lbl.gov in pub/debian. they require libc6-dev but
you can always roll your own if you still have libc5-dev (just get the
sources and recompile).

on a sort of related note, does anybody know what happened with f2c
for debian. the version available in debian is rather old so i've been
rolling my own for a while now. is this an orphaned package (or do
people just don't care about fortran any more?)?.


| I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active |
|  advance of the mind, it will be possible (simultaneously with  |
|  automatism and other passive states) to systematize confusion  |
|  and thus to help to discredit completely the world of reality. |

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