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re: General Install Question

On Thu, 17 Jul 1997, BG Lim wrote:

> It allows you to boot from the second disk, which is
> something lilo doesn't allow you to.  

	As far as I know lilo v19(/sbin/lilo -V) and up allows you to boot from
the the second disk.  Lilo can boot linux if it is partially on the first
disk.  Basically all that matters is the boot sector is there, and the
rest gets taken care of on the second disk.  Secondly, if linux is not
present on the first disk, but there is an extended partition, then the
boot sector can be stored on the extended partition by the mbr or
something like BOOTACTV.  Lastly, lilo can boot the second disk from the
mbr and is responsible for the other oses as well even if there exists no
extended partitions on the first disk.


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