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Re: PPP connection dying

Brian K Servis writes:
>Casey Feskens writes:
>>Still having problems keeping ppp from dying out.  Telnet works 
>>without any problems whatsoever.  So does ping.  FTP and Netscape
>>seem to be the biggest problems.  FTP works fine until I begin
>>downloading files.  It works for awhile, then my whole ppp connection
>>begins to hang.  Same with netscape.  I can connect to a site or
>>two, but soon enough it just hangs the whole connection.  
>>I have to kill all the processes to get out and then reboot the 
>>machine or redial 30 or so times to get a connection started again.
>>Can anyone give me any ideas?  I need help desparately.
>Not that this is any help but all of a sudden I started getting the
>same behavior with Debian 1.3.1 and Netscape 3.01 Gold.  However I can
>repeat the failure by submiting a form in Netscape. This will freeze
>my PPP connection until lcp-echo-failure kicks in and ppp dies.  Like
>you the logs don't show anything usefull.  I used to not have any
>problems with forms.  The only thing that I have changed is gone from
>1.3.0 to 1.3.1 the one thing that changed besides all XFree86 v3.3
>related files is libc5 from v23 to v33.  I think you said you were
>using Debian 1.2 so there shouldn't be any relations here. Oh well,
>more info for the masses I guess.
>Anybody else have any hints, this IS really anonying.

As a small update to this. Submiting forms with lynx works fine, it is 
netscape that seems to be causing me the problems.  Maybe I will try
a different grapical browser,=(, to see if that changes anything.


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