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enlightenment (was Re: Licenses)

[on followups: please follow up to just one list. To debian-user if it's
about E or to debian-devel if it's about licenses.]

On Jul 5, Lalo Martins wrote
> However, the copyright in E says: (actually it says to read imlib.h)
> -----
> All Imlib source code it Copyright (C) 1997 Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman)
> and falls, in its current version under the GNU Public LICENSE (GPL). If
> you dont know what this means, go read up about it. Simply it means you
> can freely copy it, modify it etc. I do however hold ONE EXCEPTION to the
> GPL, Imlib, and any derivative source may not be  run or compiled on any
> Windows or DOS Platfroms (that is Windows1.0-3.11, Windows 95, Windows NT
> MS-DOS versions 1.0 and up (all (R) (TM) etc.) etc. all from Microsoft.
> Doing so will violate this license agreement.
> -----
> Is this OK for the main distribution? Or do I need to ask Raster to be less
> enthusiastical? (This will more likely result in a flame than a new license)

On Jul 5, Bruce Perens wrote
> Sorry, this is very definitely not free software. Free means free to
> everyone, not just free to everyone but users of Microsoft systems.

So all E users there, help me beg Raster for a license that allows it to be
on the main distribution. Y'know, non-free doesn't get on the official CD;
if we could just settle for contrib?

[one could argue the GPL is not free as it doesn't allow me to create a
derivative work with a different copyright, if we want to go to terms. I
personally like E's license and don't see a good chance of a Windoze port
anyway... have anyone run X there? How do window managers work in such a
hybrid environment?]

              I walk the maze of moments...
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