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Re: laptop install problem - pcmcia-eth card can't access internet

>>The problem could be that I can't install pcmcia-modules properly (as
>>outlined in my previous email) but I'm not sure if this is the problem or
>>the only problem.
>Just wanted to say that you are not alone. :-)

You are definately not alone.  I wrestled with this all last night and the
night before only to finally figure out that for reasons I don't understand
the i8234 (it's called something like this but I can't remember what)
module which seems to be the basic module that must be loaded before all else.

>But the driver complains about unresolvable symbols, some of these:

These are the same errors I had only with New Media Ethernet LAN card.

>(My PCMCIA modem-card is working though.)

Mine works fine under Windows95.  It is now recogised (after I installed it
as source and compiled it) under Linux and I can ping the interface but I
can't make it any further then that (damn it).  I'll have a better play soon.

The only other thing I've found is that cardinfo (the pretty X program to
monitor PCMCIA ports) seems rooted and doesn't report anything true, unless
that's a symptom of the problem.  For example when everything reports the
card as being eth0 card info reports it as eth1.

I also found that hot swap doesn't seem fully supported since if you pull
the card out and then put it back in (yes the same slot) it swaps from eth0
to eth1.  It's also possible that I've missed something or that it's just
the driver itself that it faulty.


----------------- Earthlight Communications Limited ----------------
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