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Re: AGAIN: Help please: /dev/printer disappeared

Rolf, I am a newbie, i recently spent time going round and round 
with lpc trying to get my printer going till my head was in a 
whirl with it.
I can't remember all the symptoms, and it is only debian 0.93 but
the cure was getting a match between entries in /etc/printcap and 
/etc/conf.modules and the printer.

in /etc/printcap  see the lp2

	lp|Generic dot-matrix printer entry:\
in /etc/conf.modules: at the end:


	options sjcd 0x340,10,5
	options lp2 0x278,5

those being where (I think) the bios and debian's own startup said the 
printer was.(I also have a note that I initted via boot/root menus telling it
that is where the printer is and saved that to my custom boot disk.
I have not installed lilo, but I think it has an option to put the printer

Clare Johnstone, University Computing Services, 
University of Western Australia, Nedlands, 6907
Tel +61 8 9380 2607, Fax +61 8 9380 1109, Internet clare@ucs.uwa.edu.au

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