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Ok.  I've been running linux since about march,  and when I installed,  I
installed entirely to one partition.  Having since realized the error of
my ways, and having filled up the first (400 mb) partition I originally
installed it on,  I've decided to repartition and make seperate partitions
for /,  /usr,  /tmp,  /usr/local,  and /var (are there any others it might
be usefull to make seperate partitions out of?).  

	I have close to a gig of _unpartitioned_ space left on my drive.
Is there any way I can either
a) partition this empty space into a bunch of new partitions and <move> my
current system onto it,  without completely reinstalling?
b) or can I somehow repartition the space I'm already using without
deleting everything?

	Basically,  I started with a 1.2 CD.  I've upgraded bits n'pieces
since,  and to re-download them all would probably take me a week or more,
if I can even find everything ... so I'd like to avoid a complete


Good Idea: 	Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
Bad Idea:	Feeding Stray Cats in the park ... to a bear.

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