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shadow passwd

With my many recent problems with my machine, I have decided to upgrade to
1.3.  I think the developers have done a nice job with the instalation
disks, because I noticed a few added features that might help out new
users to debian/linux.  Anyway, I decided to go with shadow passwd this
time around, I know it's bad that I haven't gotten to it before, but
basically it was a toy for awhile... now I'm getting some usage/users on
it.  This brings me to my question.  Is there away to take my backup I
made of the /etc/passwd and convert it to the shadow passwd? I know for
Solaris that you can cut/paste users into /etc/passwd, then run a command
to move the encrypted passwords into the shadow file.  

I'm sorry to ask such a basic question, but I'm currently doing an ftp
install, so I don't have manpages/info on it, and I know the users want to
get back on as soon as possible.  I hope you can forgive me this once,


+ dpk <dpk@egr.msu.edu>                      + work : 517.353.8892 +
+ Systems Undergrad                          + pager: 517.222.5875 +
+ Division of Engineering Computing Services +                     +

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