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Problem with xfs


I just finished writing a type1 postscript font. I tested it with ghostscript
and sent it to the printer, everything worked fine. Then I copied it
into a directory for which xfs is configured; other fonts in this dir are
correctly accesable. First I added a line to fonts.scale myself, then using
type1instal. Doing xlsfonts, it shows up correctly, as well as with
fslsfonts -fn. But with fslsfonts -l -fn it disappears, and showfont -fn
	FS Error:  BadFormat, bad font format mask
	  Request Major code 15 ()
	  Request Minor code 0
	  ResourceID 0x804fd58
	  Error Serial #1
	  Current Serial #1
It does appear in programs that provide a font browser, but yields a
wrong typeface. Also the weight is shown wrong. I'ts an extrabold, while
some think it's light and other it's medium. (Is this a hint?) Although the
font is handcoded, I'm pretty sure it's correct. There are no dirty tricks in
it. I have installed lots of other fonts without problems. Are there any
restrictions using type1 fonts in X? What does `font format mask' refere to?


Ciccio C. Simon

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