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Re: Debian got slammed

On Fri, 27 Jun 1997 18:00:24 -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:

>So, let me see what we have here. I don't think the following
>is any exaggeration. I've seen some of these points in this thread
>o  Within Debian, we're a happy lot except there's no
>   concensys on issues such as dselect, base install
>   content, default customization, etc. 
>o  Within Debian, we unite to berate RedHat and Slackware.
>o  Within Linux, we unite against FreeBSD, SCO open, etc.
>o  All the free unix's unite to bash commercial Unix's like 
>   Solaris, IRIX, etc.
>o  Unix users everywhere unite against OS/2, NT and everything
>   else from Micro$oft.

Up until this line you're correct. OS/2 is IBM. (yes I know about the first
version from MS, and i has been rewritten several times) They are none to
happy with MS and are putting huge amount of funds and dev time into the 
java silver bullet.

I consider them an ally at this point (though they need to be watched, and 
of course they do other things that generally piss me off).

Of course if linux was fully multi-threading at the kernel level and there 
was a port of the Work Place Shell for X, I'd be screaming for IBM's head 
too. ; >

>I dunno. Different Strokes for Different Folks. Seems like it's just
>human nature to me. 

You got it.

>Personally, I just seek out those with similar
>interests and try not to get sucked into wasting time and energy
>converting others to my way of thinking.

I agree....except that we all must unite against MS or we shall be consumed!

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