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Re: Spam filtering and mailagent

>>"George" == George Bonser <grep@oriole.sbay.org> writes:

George> Take a look at exim.  It has mail filtering built into the
George> MTA, no need to wait till delivery to check for spam.  It
George> filter on header contents too. Much better if you remember
George> that your method generates at least one outgoing for every
George> spam in, internet-wide this means a spam of 50,000 emails
George> generates a potential 50,000 more.  Better to quietly can the
George> mail before it ever gets to the user if it is from a known
George> spam domain than to send it on to a user's spam filter that
George> jams the mail server even more.

	I did. I just wanted something more powerfull, and mailagent
 is the most advanced filtering system I have seen. Oh, and the return
 mail is my idea; and I do monitor the traffic -- In my opinion I have
 not exceeded propriety.

	If this were a large installation, and I had the power to
 automatically censor all my users mail, I would have consdered a
 centralized system. Luckily, this is a single user subnet.

 glad to be away from catering to 15,000 lusersend users
 The meek will inherit the earth ... in pine boxes six feet long by
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
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