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Re: more on scsi controllers

Rick Hawkins <rhawkins@iastate.edu> wrote:

>After the hints so far, it's clear that eata 's error messages have to
>do with using the same adresses as the second ide card (which is

I'm new to Linux, but I've been working on computers for years, so let
me ask a question that's naive, yet (I hope) insightful :-) :

Wouldn't an "EATA" driver be for "Extended ATA", that is, EIDE?  It
doesn't seem to have much to do with SCSI.

So yes, try removing it.


>I'm also beginning to suspect my floppy has gone bad; i can't mount
>it, and when i last tired to boot, it didn't quite find it.  It
>doesn't even spin/groan when i try to moutn.  There's another 5.25
>drive, but this thing's bios won't boot off b:, and i don't have any
>of those old things around, anyway :(

On standard PCs, the A: or B: status of a disk is determined by
whether it's before or after the twist in the controller cable.  Just
switch your other drive to the opposite position on the cable.

Carl Fink             carlf@dm.net
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

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