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Re: fvwm2 and the focus

Santi Mauro wrote:
>      I am using fvwm2 and I want to configure it in the following
> maner :
>      If I click with the mouse on a window, this window becomes the
> active one and raises on the top.
>      I didn't manage to write the corrects instructions in my .fvwm2rc
> file in order to have the required behaviour.
>      Can anyone help me ?

I assume you mean "If I click with the mouse on the border of a window".
How would the receiving window know if the click was intended for the
window itself or simply to raise it and grab focus? I'm guess you're
looking for the Windoze-style, where sometimes a click (if it's over
a certain control) seems to just raise/grab-focus and sometimes it does
something more. Did you know that with the default bindings ALT-clicking
on a window raises it, while an ALT-right-click lowers it? Perhaps this
would serve your needs?

Jens B. Jorgensen

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