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upgrading from popclient to fetchmail in 1.3

I recently upgraded to 1.3 and replaced popclient with fetchmail.  When I
try to run fetchmail, my ISP is connected and when attempting to retrieve
mail, I get the error message:

reading message 1 (2679 bytes) .fetchmail: SMTP connect to (null) failed
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from pop.primenet.com

here is my ~/.fetchmailrc file:

poll pop.primenet.com proto pop3 user USERNAME pass PASSWORD


I don't understand the smtp error message.  I am using the default smail
installation as my MDA.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  w6swe@w6swe.ampr.org
                            AX.25:    w6swe@wb7tls.az.usa.noam

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