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Re: PPP with a dynamic address?

On 19 Jun, Dale Scheetz wrote:
> My ppp connection is to an ISP that is willing to provide me with a
> "static" IP address, allowing me to be the same address every time I
> connect.
> I have been asked by a friend to help set up his machine for ppp, but his
> ISP will only provide a "dynamic" IP address. I am a bit confused about
> how to deal with the entry in /etc/hosts. 

Here's my hosts file.
---       localhost         elan.dlcwest.com        elan

The ip for elan.dlcwest.com (my machine) gets updated internally each
time I logon if it is set to here.

Note, elan is just the name I gave to my computer.  My ISP has no idea
I'm using its domain with elan.  But it does not matter.  I used to
have it set the uni's domain instead of my isp's and it worked fine.

Hope this helps.  I don't know of anything else that would be different.


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