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Re: Debian over NFS

>  * A Debian server, with a large hard disk, with a fairly full install of
>    Debian.
>  * Multiple Debian client machines, with small hard disks (often 100 meg or
>    less).  I'd like to mount, at minimum, /usr from the Debian server.
>    /usr should be mounted over NFS in read-only mode.

I'm working on a similar set up.  this is the first machine, and is
supposed to become the server--though i'd like to keep it and make
another one the server.  

We have mostly 4m 486's with 80 and occasionaly 200 mb drives.  We've
already figured to cannibalize them about 2:1, so we'll have 8m/80+

What I'm thinking right now is:
central server  16M, with 2 or 3 200 mb drives.  Things will install
onto this machine.  It will export /usr by nfs

the rest: 8/80 or so.  These will get a minimal installation.  the base
installation, X, probably lyx (these are for grad students); maybe a
couple of others commonly used.

These will mount the server as /usr2, and usr2/bin, etc., will appear in
the local paths.

Also, I'm figuring to put /home  on the server, so that files can be
accessed from any machine.

What I still need to figure out is how to have the password file
downloaded regularly from the master to the little ones, and hwo to have
password changes sent to it rather than the local machines.


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