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Bash 2.00 error in xterm

I use startx to launch my xserver.  A default xterm comes up with no 
error.  However when I start a new xterm from the window manager, I get 
the following error:

bash: /home/havenerk/.bashrc:  line2: unexpected EOF while looking for 
matching `''
bash: /home/havenerk/.bashrc:  line3: syntax error: unexpected end of 
file bash-2.00

here is my .bashrc:
# ~/.bashrc:  executed by bash(1) for non-login shells

Question 1:  since this used to work under bash 1.14, I presume it's 
related to bash 2.00's posix compliance, but what 2.00 convention have I 
broke?  Where should I put the matching `'' to get the same functionality 
as before?

Question 2:  Why doesn't the error occur in the default xterm.  After all 
that isn't a login shell...is it?

PS.  yes I know I should read the fine manual, but it's in 
incomprehensible english and comprehensible english is my native language!

                  Thanx for your quick fix suggestions

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