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Re: Locales Problem?

>W Paul Mills wrote:
>> Change your LANG variable to LANG="en_US". That should solve it.
>I tried putting LANG="en_US" in my .bash_profile and still get LANG=us
>when I do an env. As you can tell I'm a unix/linux novice.  What am I
>Sorry for the delay in replying.  We have had company recently.

You need to export the variable so that the change takes effect. There 
should be a line in your .bash_profile where a whole bunch of variable 
get exported (the line starts with 'export PATH') so just add LANG to the 


Jason Daniels -- bd733@rgfn.epcc.edu
Linux: The choice of a GNU generation.
Winblows 95: The world's best-selling computer virus.

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