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Re: XFree86 problems

>I'm trying to install XFree86 using the unstable 3.3 distribution, since 
>I mave a Matrox Mystique.  Everything was going well, until I ran startx, 
>whereupon I received the following error message:
>fatal server error:
>xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory)


The server is telling you the problem! Login, or su, to root, and cd to 
/dev. Execute this command:

./MAKEDEV tty0

I had the same problem, but running the above fixed things nicely.


Jason Daniels -- bd733@rgfn.epcc.edu
Linux: The choice of a GNU generation.
Winblows 95: The world's best-selling computer virus.

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