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Re: Leafnode

Tim O'Brien:
> Does anyone know where leafnode keeps it lists of newsgroups it's supposed
> to retrieve? Somehow, my system keeps grabbing more and more things I
> didn't ask for (Local newsgroups of Miami, stuff like that). I'd like to
> lean it out a bit and see if it helps at all. 


Each file in there that doesn't start with a leading `.' is a newsgroup
leafnode will download.

Please note that if someone crossposts a newsgroup to newsgroup a that you
read, and also to newsgroups b, c, d, and e, leafnode will create
directories for newsgroups b, c, d, and e, and put a hard link to the
crossposted article in them. This seems to be the common cause for people
thinking leafnode is downloading news it shouldn't.

Another thing to check is, make sure that you have leafnode access blocked
off in hosts.deny so only hosts you want to can connect to your news server.
I actually had some people discover my news server and use it for reading
binary groups that I had no desire to fill up my news spool with, before I
denied access to all hosts not on my home network. You can tell if this is a
problem by examining your log files to see if leafnode reports connects from
hosts you don't know about.

> After running fetch for the first time, I can see all the newsgroups. But
> when the client goes to get one that's not yet been used, the client gives
> an error message saying it's an empty newsgroup. Next time fetch is run,
> that newsgroup is brought in. 

This is perfectly normal.

see shy jo, leafnode maintainer

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