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Re: problem with install

On Tue, 3 Jun 1997, Andy Pastuszak wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am trying to install Debian 1.2.17 on a Compaq Deskpro XL 5/90, which
> has that AMD SCSI chip in it.  Installation went great except for the
> fact that every time I access the SCSI HD, I get the message:
> target: 0 rate=10.0 Mhz, synchronous, sync offset=15 bytes
> I got this message all throughout the install and now when I reboot I
> get the same thing.  Any help with getting rid of this message would be
> appreciated.

 I'm not familiar with that driver (and not very familiar with SCSI, 
really) but if your drive is working, I would presume that that is a 
debug message that was accidentally compiled into the AMD driver. 
Assuming that's correct, what I would do is:

 1. If you're not running kernel 2.0.29 or 2.0.30, upgrade to one of 
them. (I'm running 2.0.30 without problems, but I hear some people have 
issues with that version.) The problem may just go away with a 
correctly-compiled kernel, and there are bugfixes in those versions.

 2. If it still shows up after that, take a look at the driver code 
itself - I don't have my Linux box handy, but it ought to be in the 
kernel sources under drivers/scsi, with a filename like "amdsomething.c". 
Look for a message like the above. There's probably a broken "#ifdef" 
around it. After that, recompile the kernel. (You probably want to "make 
zdisk" to try it from a boot floppy first.)

 Hope this helps...


 Ray Ingles         (248) 377-7735          ray.ingles@fanucrobotics.com

 "Anybody who has ever seen a photograph showing the kind of damage that
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