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Re: PPP,Samba and Linux

Marc D. Jones wrote:
> I've tried that this morning to no avail.  Here is what I have...
> /etc/ppp/options
> DNS pointing to ISP (I can web serf while dialed in so I believe this
> works)
> WINS pointing to the Linux IP (also the dial up adaptor on the laptop
> is set to WINS to Linux IP
> *****In options.ttyS2
> remote IP = free IP address 209.xx.xx.xxx
> local IP = Linux box
> Mgetty works since I can dial in and it shows the proper handshake in
> the ppp.log
> Linux Server is providing the laptop IP address so the TCPIP
> properties are:
> No IP address assigned
> WINS server to the Linux
> Gateway to the router
> DNS to the ISP
> If only I could get the laptop to "see" both the debian system and the
> smbmounted PC than I would be homefree.
> Any other suggestions would be a godsend.

Do something for me. When the win95 box gets connected, go to "Run..."
in the Start menu and run 'winipcfg'. You'll get a window which will
show you all the current IP settings, including DNS and WINS. Verify
that all these numbers are correct. (I suspect they will be, but this
way we'll know for sure.)

Then (assuming success with winipcfg) make sure that you have 'proxyarp'
as an option on the linux box in /etc/ppp/options. Also, are you sure
you're running samba? Type 'dpkg --list samba' to see if you've got
it properly installed. (If you have, there should see a 'samba' line
with 'ii' at the front of it.)

Do this stuff and get back to us.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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