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Re: How can i port files from dos to linux?

>>>>> The Good ol' tavo =) writes:

  orojas> how can i port the gnu or tar or gzip or .deb files that i
  orojas> download using MSIE30 to linux? and how can i install all
  orojas> the packages that come with the debian system that i
  orojas> downloaded from the internet without causing conflicts
  orojas> between each other?

If you tell your FTP client to do binary transfers (as opposed to text
mode) you can just store the files on your FAT or VFAT partition and
mount it in Linux using the mount command.  I don't know how to tell
Internet Exploder to use binary transfer, maybe it uses that by

Use the command dpkg to install any one .deb file.  Make a mirror of
the distribution (mirroring the directory structure, too) and just
point dselect to it (having mounted the FAT or VFAT partition, first).

Use the mount command to mount the partition like this:

    mkdir /dos
    mount /dev/hda1 /dos

Of course, you should choose the right name instead of /dev/hda1.  h
means IDE, s instead of h means SCSI.  a means the first disk, use b
for the second.  1 means first partition.

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