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Re: Help: Network Flakiness?

Pete Harlan wrote:
> The other oddity I've noticed is that I can't access the web page for
> www.boston.com from our LAN; I get a few bytes but then it stops
> transmitting.  I can read the page fine from my old student account at
> Indiana (using Lynx), but not from here.  Anyone else running Debian
> 1.2 able to read that page?  Could the problem be my ISP?  (I can ping
> www.boston.com, so it's not a net-connectivity problem.)

I had lots of problems with one particular ISP that I didn't have
elsewhere. It seemed related to binary data. Text email and text web
pages were OK, but attachments in email and highly graphical pages gave
me problems with Linux PPP and Trumpet winsock.

This was almost a year ago; I can't recall all the details now.
They had some Gandalf equipment and when they got rid of it, things were

I had to use this asyncmap for escaping control codes. I'm afraid I
can't recall any better explanation. All the same hardware and software
worked fine everywhere else I have ever had to call.

asyncmap a0000


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