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Re: How to trick debian into thinking a package is installed

Those tools are in the adpkg package... But that package also has an
experimental version of dpkg in it. I will put it back somehow. If you
have access to an earlier version of adpkg then get that.

On Sat, 10 May 1997, Igor Grobman wrote:

>There used to exist 2 utilities called deb2asc and asc2deb which were very
>useful for this kind of thing.  They were part of debmake at one time then were
>moved to adpkg, and after adpkg's removal from distribution seem to have
>would you put them back into debmake or anywhere else for that matter?  These
>utilities are truly useful for creating dummy packages.
>With those utilities available, you would just need to create a text file
>containing something like this:
>Package: dummy
>Version: 1.0
>Provides: motif, tetex 
>(and some more standard control file lines)
>Then you run asc2deb, and a .deb package is built. 
>On May 9, Steve Hsieh wrote
>> Hi,
>> Can someone tell me how I can trick debian into thinking that a package is
>> installed?  Specifically, I have the real motif installed on my system. 
>> However, since this is (obviously) not a debian package, debian has no
>> idea that I have it.  And so if I try to install the xmcd package, it
>> refuses to install because lesstif isn't installed, but I can't install
>> lesstif without overwriting the real motif...  I guess I could also use
>> the --force-depends option in dpkg to force an install?
>> So my questions are;
>> 1. what's the dirty way to modify the config files so debian thinks
>> lesstif is installed?
>> 2. if I create my own binary .deb package with my motif binaries inside
>> it, how do I change the control file so it "provides" lesstif? 
>> On a side note, motif apps really ought to "require" a motif package, and
>> lesstiff should "provide" motif, as opposed to packages directly requiring
>> lesstif.
>> Steve
>> --
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>Proudly running Debian Linux! Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation....
>Igor Grobman           igor@debian.org                 igor@digicron.com 

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