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  If I plan to use the deselect  program to  install packages from a 
mounted MSDOS partition (mounted at /e) and I have the packages in 
/e/linux/stable, /e/linux/contrib, & /e/linux/non-free should I edit the 
'Packages" files to refelect the new path information?  Or will deselect 
figure it out when I do the "step by step" entry of file locations?

   I'm asking because a first time install of debian is having some 
problems at the deselect stage and I *HAVE* edited the Packages files to 
say "msdos-filename: /e/linux/stable/xxxxxxx.deb".  I used this method 
because the debian ftp distribution uses a directory name that is not DOS 
legal for the MSDOS named binaries (/msdos-i386  -- 10 characters).  I 
find that quite interesting as it seems that care was taken to keep all of 
the internal directory names at 8 characters or less, as well as the 
parent directories (eg. /linux/stable/msdos-i386/elctrncs is DOS legal 
except for the 'msdos-i386' part).

   I'm going to try thie install from scratch tonight and see if I can 
mount the ZIP disk I'm carrying the stuff home with (ftp via T1 from work 
move to ZIP disks carry home) with a VFAT fs since I am using it under 
Win/95 at work it may work, and allow me to use long filenames.

   Any help if I'm stuck with FAT appreciated though.
Gerald V. Livingston II

Reply to gvl@usa.net

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