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ideas about moving Debian to another hard drive

Yeah, that time is here again, when I need more disk space.  I
have been thinking about moving my Debian to a larger drive, so
I can take out the smallest drive to make room for a big one.

This is a heartwrenching decision; It has taken a long time to get
my system working like I want it; including up to 1.2 level.

It seems really impractical to try to "copy" the data from one
disk to another (correct me if I am wrong, please) because symlinks
tend to get lost or messed up.

Seems to me the most direct way to move the system is make new boot
disks, install a base system from my old CD (1.1), upgrade in place
to 1.2 using ftp, and then restore my favorite configuration files.

Anyone have a better idea?


Key fingerprint =  D6 A7 D7 8C 92 CB 42 FD  60 D5 62 1C D7 B9 EA 8E 
Ken Gaugler  N6OSK         Hybrid Networks, Inc.  Cupertino, Calif.
URL: http://www.hybrid.com 
(personal: "keng at wco dot com"  URL: http://www.wco.com/~keng)
"The life of a Repo Man is ALWAYS INTENSE..."

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