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Needing Help...

I'm a not very aqueinted person with LINUX and I have been trying to
install the 1.1.4 version of Debian GNU/Linux in a Micron Transport XPE

In the process of installing the software, the Installation Boot disk
finishes satisfactorly, but when the Installation Root disk is requested
the Panel suddenly shuts off. I have used an auxiliary Monitor and I have
been able to continue the installation, but I have not been able to solve
the initial problem.

The Micron laptop uses a Cirrus Logic 7555 PCI 1.10, but the same problem
arose with an older Micron laptop using a Cirrus Logic 7548.

If someone could give me a hand with my problem I would appreciate it very

Thank you,

Mauricio Sarria
Electrical Engeener
Universidad de los Andes
Bogota, Colombia

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