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Re: FAST ACM! But "broken" timer? Gurus needed. Was: ACM 4.7-3 with Debian Linux 1.2.4

>      There is a chance that THE ACM DEBIAN PACKAGE IS WORTH BEING
> that is the binaries given by the self-applying workaround I posted
> yesterday under the same subject (besides, they are compiled with more
> optimization than the original Makefile's do) and, say, almost the first
> and tiniest patch, labeled "A", the one to be able to successfully run the
> 'configure' script and rebuild the binaries (actually the only one I
> prepared that is not so dirty to act on Makefile's produced by the
> 'configure' script itself, as the other "patches" do instead on going back
> to Imakefile's). 

     I still think so about the binaries... as for the patch, it is not a
damage but it could be avoided: after purging and re-installing the
libelf0-dev package the tests done by the configure script run well
without any change (also the ACM 4.8 configure tests find -lelf, yet other
problems arise afterwards there, I'm looking at it just now), so in order
to be able to rebuild the binaries there isn't but to put that symbolic
link inside the directory /usr/include/sys: 'ln -s file.h filio.h'. 

     END of _monologue_ about ACM 4.7 :-)

     Nicola Bernardelli <nbern@mail.protos.it>
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