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RE: debian-user-digest Digest V97 #174

> Hi....
> I´ve just discovered "LINUX" and i´m very excited.
> I´m a Win95 user from Guatemala, Central America, and around here nobody knows about the LINUX PROJECT, but i have some doubts.....
> 1) Could i get a LINUX CD versión at home. Do you know a distributor for Latin America ?

There isn't one true Linux CD.  Various people put together collections of
software along with the Linux kernel.  These are called distributions.
The Debian Project have put together one such distribution called Debian
GNU/Linux which is definetely available in CD form.   The best thing to do
would be to go to the Linux journal home page (http://www.ssc.com/lj)  and
check their reviews of distributions to see which one seems right for you
and then visit the home page of the that distribution
(http://www.debian.org/ in Debians case) for additional info as things
move fast in the Linux world and reviews can get out of date.

In my opinion Debian is the best. (But thats the general opinion on the
Debian list. :-)

> 2) What kind of source code compounds "LINUX" ? C++, Assembler, Basic or something like that ?

The Linux kernel is wriin in C and so are most of the utilities just like
any other Unix variant but you can use all the languages you mentioned and
more if you like.

> 3) If i get the source code, the interesting thing is contribute so... 
> do i need a compiler to make it work ? is the compiler included with

gcc is a freely available C compiler.  Like I said there are various
distributions of Linux which may not neccessarily include gcc if they
don't want to but in reality I can't imangine anyone who wouldn't.
Debian of course does.
> 4) I´m not very sure, but does LINUX have a GUI (Graphical User Interface) ?

Yes.  It is called X windows and it is used in many kinds of Unix not just
Linux.  Here again you have a wide choice in styles.  X windows can even
mimic much of the look of Windows 95.  Of course you don't have to use a
GUI at all if you don't want to.

> 5) Does anybody know about a spanish version of LINUX ?

Perhaps a spansish speaker can answer this?

> 6) Could you give me some servers names for newsgroups about LINUX (I´m using Microsoft News and i need to know the server name to login ).

Use http://www.dejanews.com instead.  They have all the newsgroups. The
main Linux  groups are in the comp.os.linux.* hierarchy.

-- Jaldhar

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