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Re: Is there an opposite to adduser?

Miquel van Smoorenburg (miquels@cistron.nl) wrote on 1 May 1997 11:38:
 >deluser and adduser try to do everything themselves, but we now have
 >	useradd and userdel
 >which are standard (well, on sysv systems anyway) and documented. The
 >scripts and all your homemade scripts should call those programs to
 >do the real work.

I understand these programs can do the basic stuff, but I don't
believe a program can do it generally. What must be done to add/remove
a user changes from site to site. Just as an example, here we have to:

a) include the line in /etc/passwd, create the homedir and copy
   initial stuff. This is standard, EXCEPT that /etc/skel must be
   copied with cp -a, so that symlinks are kept.

b) include some users, but not all, in /etc/aliases so that they
   receive general mail.

c) create a file in a certain dir for samba configuration.

And the passwd file is not in the same machine where all the rest must
be done...

In summary, I believe adding/removing users is really a job for the


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